Interactive Weed ID database from the UW-Extension - Includes 355 weeds common to Wisconsin including broadleaf, woody, and grass-like weeds; multiple pictures of each species and you can search for weeds by known traits.
Invasive Species Identification Videos - (or go to and search “UW Weed Science”) – videos on how to identify 18 invasive weeds including common teasel, thistles, and black swallow-wort.
Invasive Plant Management Factsheets - – Identification and control fact-sheets that can be downloaded.
Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative -
Everything you need to know about Phragmites – from on-going research, to potential bio-control and determining native vs. non-native strains. The collaborative hosts great webinars every month and promotes information sharing and partnerships among those working with Phragmites across the Great Lakes.
Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN) –
MIPN is a clearinghouse for information on invasive species that threaten the Midwest. The network provides factsheets, educational videos, webinars and training seminars. They also host the control database described below.
MIPN Invasive Plant Control Database -
This website contains information on how to control many invasive plants common to the Midwestern United States. Information was collected from both scientific literature and expert opinions and summarized by the Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN), in partnership with the Mark Renz lab from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin (IPAW) –
Links to local Cooperative Weed Management Areas and invasive species groups, information on mapping & control, lots of useful links if you have the time to look through them!