When new invasive species reach our area we can minimize their impacts through early detection and rapid response (EDRR). Early detection species are invasive plants or animals that are known to have large negative impacts elsewhere in the United States or Midwest, but are not widely distributed or present in Wisconsin. By finding and treating these “new” populations of invasive species while they are small (rapid response), we have a better chance of completely eradicating them and preventing their continued spread. We also reduce the costs of eradication and control in both time and money. Once a species has become widely established, the only action possible is to partially mitigate the negative impacts with available resources.
DCIST has created the following list of plants and animals that pose a threat to Door County’s environment and economy, but are not yet found in the County. Help us prevent them from becoming established by knowing how to identify a few of these species and alerting DCIST or other local natural resource professionals when you see a new plant that is acting aggressively. For information on “prohibited” and “restricted” plant categories, check out our Municipal Ordinances & Laws page.
*A single occurance of Glyceria maxima was found in Door County in late 2017 and was subsequently treated through the Door County Soil & Water Conservation Department.